38 Pacific View Drive Wongaling Beach

958m² ID: 1616
Grahame Anderson
07 4068 8110
0418 230 617

Cheap Weekender

Elevated block of 958m2. House plans and if you use them there is a possible ocean and dunk island view. At present there is a 6m x6m shed with side carport which you can use as a weekender until your ready to build at the back of the block. Or make it a Class 1 dwelling and live in it - rent it out. The seller even has house plans drawn and ready to go.

Kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom outside patio or carport
Power, water and sewerage are all connected.
Soil test
Mission Hills Estate
450m walk to the beach
Wongaling is a great area to live!

Contact the Exclusive Marketing Agents, Andersons Real Estate

Just wanted to say a very big thank-you Lyn for selling our house, we were both stoked that it sold so quickly! No doubt due to your intuitive ability to match buyers to properties, which you did absolutely perfectly with ours.

Debbie Brittain and Dave Hoey



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