What out-of-towners should know

February 23, 2022

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Mission Beach property with boy

The Mission Beach area is growing increasingly popular as a lifestyle choice and we’re delighted to say that the property market is booming!

When people are considering buying an investment property or moving to Mission Beach North Queensland, it helps to give them the heads up. Check out our helpful local guide:

21 things to know about Mission Beach

  1. The weather is almost always perfect
  2. Don’t expect things to happen fast .. everything is in slower motion in Mission Beach
  3. Accept the grass of course you can mow every 10 days
  4. The rainfall is measured in metres not inches
  5. Vodafone does not work at all in Mission Beach
  6. It might look close but it takes a very long time to swim to Dunk Island yes people have tried
  7. You will not go to the beach nearly as much as you think you will
  8. There are a lot more beaches than you originally thought
  9. Wallabies are common and are everywhere in South Mission Beach
  10. The prevailing weather comes from the southeast
  11. Yes, we do get surf. well at Bingil Bay, sometimes you see surfers
  12. When it rains it pours, so you will wonder where all that water went
  13. Cane toads aren’t your average backyard frog
  14. Everything is bigger in the north, spiders, snakes, cockroaches, plants and waterfalls
  15. Stingers are in that beautiful calm water in summer so don’t even think about putting your foot in, you can’t see their tentacles
  16. If you think it’s hot in December wait till the humidity kicks in, your first summer really is the worst one.
  17. A pool with a shade sail over it in a summer must have.
  18. Swimming in the stinger enclosure in summer is not refreshing it’s more like swimming in soup
  19. It takes at least 20 years to become a local
  20. You will fall in love with the place!
  21. Why is there so much property for sale? Well, that’s to keep all of us real estate agents in work of course!!

Property in Mission Beach

So, if you’d like to know more about properties for sale in Mission Beach or anything at all about the area, we’d love to help. Just reach out to your friendly, expert Mission Beach Real Estate agents, Andersons.

Lyn Anderson and her sales team worked very hard for us to sell a difficult property and kept us informed throughout the process. She was always professional and perservered when the sale stalled and found us another buyer at the best market price possible. Her honest can do attitude goes above and beyond our expectation and we highly recommend her .

Kevin Brennan and Wendy Wood
Being a member of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland gives you peace of mind.
Andersons undertake professional study each year to maintain accreditation, which means you are getting Real Estate Best Practice
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